Software - Ports

All the files are packed into ZIP archives. You can unpack them with David Pilling's !SparkPlug (if you don't have !SparkFS itself).

I don't give any guarantee for usefulness and reliability. Downloading and using any of the applications is totally at your own risk.

If you do however have any comments, suggestions or found any bugs, don't hesitate to contact me by clicking on the email address in the page footer.

Remember though, all of the following programs have been written to suit my needs. So they may or may not be useful to you. ;-)


Things I ported to RISC OS

GnuPG for RISC OS has its own homepage!

Version: 1.0.0-sb1
Updated: 03-Dec-2005
32-bit ready: yes (requires 32-bit Shared C Library, requires 32-bit Shared Unix Library)
Download: Binary (1827K) / Signature
Bogofilter is a Bayesian Spam filter. It's similar to Jan-Jaap van der Geer's SpamStamp, but in my opinion, Bogofilter classifies better (SpamStamp however is faster). The original Bogofilter homepage is at

Version: 3.92
On this page I was hosting my RISC OS port of the free LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. But since quite some time there exists a better port at

Version: 2.0.27
Updated: 01-Jan-2003
32-bit ready: yes (requires 32-bit Shared C Library, requires 32-bit Shared Unix Library)
Download: Binary (352K) / Signature
This is (part of) the OpenLDAP library compiled for RISC OS. You'll need it if you want to compile programs which say that they'll need the OpenLDAP library. If you want to compile OpenLDAP on your own, you'll need GNU regex below as well.

GNU regex
GNU regex
Version: 0.12
Updated: 01-Jan-2003
32-bit ready: yes (requires 32-bit Shared C Library, requires 32-bit Shared Unix Library)
Download: Binary (67K) / Signature
This is the GNU regular expression library. You'll need it if you want to compile the OpenLDAP library for yourself. If you're looking for a RISC OS RegEx module, look in the Modules Section.

Version: Zip 2.3, UnZip 5.5
32-bit ready: yes
I used to provide the command line tools Zip and UnZip from the Info-ZIP suite, but Andrew Wingate now hosts more up-to-date versions. So just visit his site and get the lastest versions from there.

Version: 1.0-sb2
Updated: 01-Jan-2003
32-bit ready: yes (requires 32-bit Shared C Library, requires 32-bit Shared Unix Library)
Download: Binary (70K) / Signature
Source (124K) / Signature
This is a program that can brute-force-attack encrypted zipfiles. So, if you've lost a password to one of your zip files, this is may be of some help to you. Sadly, his oritinal home page with the source code is not online any more.

Version: 3.30
Updated: 01-Aug-2004
32-bit ready: yes (requires 32-bit Shared C Library, requires 32-bit Shared Unix Library)
Download: Binary (163K) / Signature
This command line utility lets you extract and test archives packed with the RAR 3.x archiver (and older). Source code is available somewhere from in non-RISC OS form. Anyone wanting my few modifications may drop me an email.

Version: 2.50
Updated: 01-Jan-2003
32-bit ready: yes (requires 32-bit Shared C Library, requires 32-bit Shared Unix Library)
Download: Binary (75K) / Signature
This command line utility lets you extract and test archives packed with the RAR 2.x archiver (and older). Source code is available somewhere from in non-RISC OS form. Anyone wanting my few modifications may drop me an email.

Version: 1.1-sb2
Updated: 01-Jan-2003
32-bit ready: yes (requires 32-bit Shared C Library, requires 32-bit Shared Unix Library)
Download: Binary (93K) / Signature
Source (22K) / Signature
This is a small program that implements access to TCP sockets in both server and client mode. You can pipe things into sockets and read from them. Since 26-Dec-2001 it is compiled with gcc 2.95.4 and linked against the included UnixLib, which means that it should work with PPP connections as well without crashing your machine.

Version: 0.82+ BETA 1 sb4
Updated: 23-Jan-2001
32-bit ready: no
Download: Binary (72K) / Signature
Source (38K) / Signature
This small program lets you download files from the net. HTTP and FTP fetches are supported. It can resume aborted downloads and import GetRight fetch scripts. But it is very basic and even some of the options don't work. You have been warned!

Version: 18.15
Updated: 01-Jan-2003
32-bit ready: yes (requires 32-bit Shared C Library, requires 32-bit Shared Unix Library)
Download: Binary (303K) / Signature
Crafty is a very strong chess engine. I've ported it to RISC OS as a command line chess program. It is quite fast as well.

Version: 3.4
Updated: 10-Aug-2003
32-bit ready: yes (requires 32-bit Shared C Library, requires 32-bit Shared Unix Library)
Download: Binary (678K) / Signature
This is just a very basic port of GNU Go. GNU Go plays the game of Go (what did you expect?). Currently there's no graphical frontend but just the ASCII client present. Please drop me an email by clicking on the email address in the page footer if you're interested in further development of this basic port. GNU Go's home page is at if you want to take a look.

Version: 0.62-sb3
Updated: 28-Dec-2003
32-bit ready: yes (requires 32-bit Shared C Library)
Download: Binary (52K) / Signature
Source (28K) / Signature
rinetd redirects TCP connections from one IP address and port to another. It is a single process server which handles any number of connections specified in a configuration file. It uses non-blocking I/O and can therefore handle a large number of connections without a severe impact on the machine.

Version: 2.0.2-sb2
Updated: 28-Jan-2002
32-bit ready: no
Download: Binary (155K) / Signature
Source (80K) / Signature
junkbuster filters out annoying advertising banners when browsing the web. It has very sophisticated configuration files so you can tweak it to exactly behave as you want (default configuration files are supplied). Please note that I already had a later version here for download, but this didn't work properly. Until I can fix this, here's the older, but working version.

junkbuster beta source
junkbuster beta source
Version: 2.0.2-8-sb1
Updated: 21-Nov-2000
32-bit ready: no
Download: Source (82K) / Signature
This is the source for the later version which doesn't work stable. If you want to experiment and fix it, feel free to do so.

Version: 1.8
Updated: 17-Nov-2002
32-bit ready: yes (requires 32-bit Shared C Library)
Download: Binary (14K) / Signature
Source (13K) / Signature
jpeg2ps wraps JPEG files into EPS files so that you can use JPEG files in (La)TeX documents.

Version: 2.2
Updated: 01-Jan-2003
32-bit ready: yes (requires 32-bit Shared C Library, requires 32-bit Shared Unix Library)
Download: Binary (314K) / Signature
Source (44K) / Signature
With figlet you can generate ASCII banners. There are different fonts included.

Version: 5.31-sb1
Updated: 11-Jan-2003
32-bit ready: yes (requires 32-bit Shared C Library)
Download: Binary (933K) / Signature
Source (333K) / Signature
This is a program that converts textual web server log files (like those Apache creates) into nice looking, graphical statistics you can spend hours looking at. ;-)

Version: 1.7.1/rf
Updated: 30-Dec-2002
32-bit ready: yes (requires 32-bit Shared C Library, requires 32-bit Shared Unix Library)
Download: Binary (117K) / Signature
Source (540K) / Signature
dict is a client for the Dictionary Server Protocol (DICT), a TCP transaction based query/response protocol that provides access to dictionary definitions from a set of natural language dictionary databases. You may want to have a look at as well.

Version: based on 0.917
32-bit ready: yes
I have compiled HSC (HTML Sucks Completely) for 32-bit readiness. Drop me an email by clicking on the email address in the page footer if you are interested.

32-bit ready: yes
I have compiled HTML Tidy for 32-bit readiness. Two versions are available, one based on and using Unix style filenames and the other based on Justin Fletcher's original port (which is now unavailable from his site) but recompiled, using RISC OS style filenames and throwback support. Drop me an email by clicking on the email address in the page footer if you are interested.

Version: 1.0.6
Updated: 06-Sep-2003
32-bit ready: yes (requires 32-bit Shared C Library, requires 32-bit Shared Unix Library)
Download: Binary (340K) / Signature
Trivial DB is a database with a similar interface to GDBM. It's the database used internally in Samba. Source code is included.

Version: (1.3.28)
Updated: 06-Sep-2003
32-bit ready: yes (requires 32-bit Shared C Library, requires 32-bit Shared Unix Library)
Download: Binary (15K) / Signature
SDBM is a database with a similar interface to NDBM. It's the database used internally in Apache. Source code is included.

Version: 1.8.12
Updated: 28-Jun-2004
32-bit ready: yes (requires 32-bit Shared C Library, requires 32-bit Shared Unix Library)
Download: Binary (1709K) / Signature
QDBM is a database with a similar interface to NDBM and GDBM. It has several APIs and is lots faster than the above two. Source code is included as are managing and test programs. The original home page is at

Version: 1.29-sb1
Updated: 27-Nov-2004
32-bit ready: yes (requires 32-bit Shared C Library, requires 32-bit Shared Unix Library)
Download: Binary (125K) / Signature
SSRC is a fast and high quality sampling rate converter written by Naoki Shibata. The source is included and available from


Requirements for some of the above ...

32-bit Shared C Library
32-bit Shared C Library
32-bit ready: yes
This is the 32-bit Shared C Library which is used to run software marked '32-bit ready' that is linked against the CLib. You can obtain it directly from

32-bit Shared Unix Library
32-bit Shared Unix Library
32-bit ready: yes
This is the 32-bit Shared Unix Library which is used to run software marked '32-bit ready' that is linked against the UnixLib. You can obtain it directly from

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Stefan Bellon (), 19-Jan-2019